"Swimming Through the Colors of Fall" Oil 20"X24"
I'm so excited! I received my
notification that "Swimming Through the Colors of Fall" was accepted
into the 2013 Birds in Art, held at The Liegh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.
This will be my second time that I've been accepted into this
wonderful event and I'm looking forward to meeting and reconnecting
with all the Museum Staff and Talented Artists.
The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum has organized Birds in Art annually,
seeking to present the very best contemporary artistic interpretations of birds and
related subject matter. This year nearly 1000 submissions were made into Birds in Art
and only 94 were chosen. I feel extremely honored to have been one of the 94 Artists
to have received this great privilege.
Birds in Art 2013, on view at The Woodson Art Museum
September 7 through November 10th 2013