Sunday, August 26, 2012


"Oct. Yellowstone Sunset"  Oil   9" X 12"

Taking a break away from the Geese.  With all the smoke in the air and no prospects of rain, I'm looking forward to Fall's arrival.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


"Waterfront Passage"  Oil  8" X 10"

While painting this piece I realize that I need to concentrate on economy of brush strokes, I'm starting to "noodle" too much. I do enjoy the color combinations and overall color harmony.

Friday, August 24, 2012


"Moving On"  Oil   8" X 10"

I've given myself a goal of One painting a night. (I was at Life Drawing last night so Thursdays don't count). Anyway this was painted Wednesday night on a lead primed linen canvas panel. I'm still experimenting with edge quality and color harmony.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


"Telling Secrets"  Oil  9" X 12 on Canvas Panel

When out sketching and photographing geese it's really hard not to create an anthropomorphize situation. After observing them for a while I can see simple social situations occurring much like watching a group of people in a restaurant or kids out on a school playground.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


" Morning Break"  Oil  9" X 12"

I want to experiment with more exaggerated and broken color,
yet still retain a representational style. I eventually want to
push the handling of my subject breaking up the simple
shapes into more complex arrangements to where the
end result will be more Expressionistic. 


"Jeffers' Farm"  Oil   12" X 16"  Plein Air    SOLD

I don't usually paint Barn Scenes, yet I've passed this farm many
times on my way to different locations on the Madison River. I had
always thought that other Artist's could paint this location
and do it better justice than I. Not only did I have a fantastic time
painting here I came away with a better understanding of atmospheric
perspective and color harmony. What a great education...